Thursday 12 July 2018

Raya 2018

من العائدين و الفائزين

Alhamdulillah. Allahuakbar. Walillahilhamd.

Indeed the joy of Syawal definitely true. May Allah grant us with glorious Ramadhan next Hijrah. Amin.

Here I am posting few pictures that had been captured throughout Syawal 1439H.

There were similar with previous Syawal yet portrayed different stories. 

The best story; we had celebrated my ayah's birthday on 8th Syawal.

The true story; we need to celebrate this time of Syawal without our beloved Mak Lang.

Ya, life must be going on though. 


We were visited common houses; Rumah Cik Ghani, Rumah Mak Teh Gendut, Rumah Wak Jariah, Rumah Wak Puan and all the rumah which the long list never end.

We were continued our every-year-tradisi to had diner at restaurant as you name it Pizza Hut Restaurant (and the service in Banting branch will always worse), The Chicken Rice Shop, KFC Restaurant, Mc Donald's, and the rest of non-closed-during-raya restaurants.

We were *as well?* had fulfilled all the invitation to open houses which not as much as the previous years. Well... I think you know the reason *cough a bit*


My colleague and I had farewell party for Edward on 27th June. Fyi, the White Chocolate Macadamia cake was very nice. That's all I could say. That . is. all.

The next two days of 27th...
I had attended Raya event organised by company. So much fun. I had participated in game, had fun again, ate too much, had fun with the geng surau, again I ate so much, and finally went to catch up all the thingy of work *huh*

[I have no any bad intention while sharing this part of story]

"And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the righteous" - Ali Imran:133

I was succeed in completing my Puasa Enam. It was fun. He is promising for reward as such of one-year fasting reward. InsyaALLAH. 

So does...

I was celebrated raya (with so much ease and in moderation) and my mama had to cook *for don't know how many times already* the nasi impit and rendang daging for me.   


That was all my story for this year. 

Till we meet again, Syawal!

Ahlan wa sahlan, Zulkaedah.

*The last picture had nothing to do with my giant appetite* giggles*
(Thanks Hazirah for this treat - my favourite Big Apple Donuts!)